Wednesday, July 2, 2008

living, laughing and loving

I've come to the decision that blogging is hard work. You have to come up with things that will interest people so that they'll keep coming back. In conclusion Meghan and Traci are way better at this then I am. Reenie on the other hand must have the same creative struggles as me! :) love you reenie.

Well we have been married now for a little over two weeks and its been busy...

-we bought a futon, Jeremy is now an expert with the local Ikea and the swedish directions and assembled the whole thing with just a little bit of grumbling! :) Now when our friends come to visit they will have something to sleep on!

-we went to one of Jesse's softball games, he is such a stud.

-beach trip with the Gallagher clan (Some things we did: lots of sitting on the beach, playing battle of the sexes and finding out that Uncle Kevin knows way to much girlie stuff!, this game called mulch-Jer got beat by all the little cousins, Aunt Maureen's birthday, breakfast with Grandma-G, lunch at Seacrets just to make Justine jealous!, and getting to go to the Wawa)

-day trip to Rehobeth for Traci's bachlorette was a blast. i loved being able to catch up with my peeps and get to see Traci before the big day. she is going to knock Rick off his feet with how beautiful she is. Shorter and i adventured in to the cold water, we went to this place called the Purple Parrot, lunch at this place i think it was called the Bluefish (one of those Jill Prater finds) and basked in the sun.

I shall leave you with the battle of the sexes question that Jeremy knew that got him full mockery from Jesse, Duke and the Uncles.... What was Anne from Anne of Green Gables beau??? Lets just say Jeremy yelled out the correct answer so quickly that the boys questioned his masculinity. :) I on the other hand was very proud of him!


meg said...

good update.
blogging is hard!
see you in one week!!!!

Kelley Murphy said...

dying laughing - i can totally see Jeremy assembling the futon with "a little bit of grumbling."