Sunday, April 5, 2009

in no particular order

The random snap shots of life....
this was my favorite, the parking team must have gotten a little bored this particular sunday and decided to bless the rest of us.
the little dude... gus "the bus" bowers
judah and his epic beard and abe the babe
the fan club... the two on the left are getting married in less then 2 months and that makes my heart happy.
pj day at brusters. yum. not to mention the wonderful husband who likes to go along with the things that make me happy.
my two heros. this elderly couple pulls up next to us and just giggled the whole time they were there. i asked jer if we could be like them when we grow up and still have fun adventures.
jer and i had a little date to old town ellicott city, the shops are boss.
ha, and i just had to throw this one in here. after spending an epic week of bonding with the bowers...this is what happens to Garrett, his face becomes all sorts of distorted.


Sarah said...

i love the old couple. how sweet.

i think you are going to need a sweet plaid nightgown like that if you plan to continue these adventures into your golden years. better start searching now...i bet they aren't easy to find.

Sarah Smith said...

i love the snow man....and gus :)

Reenie said...

I know where they sell those night gowns. I will get you one and you can out it away for future usage....

Kelley Murphy said...

actually, my brother looks like that all the time.