Friday, September 19, 2008


Since I last posted some of things going on in the newest Bowers' world....

-Sharpie's Shower. The favor was my favorite part, mini sharpies tied to some Mike & Ikes. I loved catching up with lots of ladies that I love.

-Youth Camp 2008 up at Camp Ladore. I did admin with some of my favorite people. We made great memories. Some favorites: "bear" siteings, swimming in the lake, wing competitions, riding in Meg's mini. Two cuties won camper of the week, Alysia & Nick. And despite our attempts Meg and I never saw the shooting star! The Admin Team was participating in our own invented Admin Olympics. Competitions like the Gatorade Toss, Golf Cart racing, ...I actually can't remember that many, we made them up as we went along. Though Christopher's were always pending review. :)

-During YC'08 Jeremy and I spent out first time apart. 8 days is a long time when you were only married for 2 months! But we got through it.

-So far Jer has done all the things he has ever wanted to in the Police Academy. Firearms and Driving. :) He has lots of good stories, be sure to ask him!! My favorite is the cone dance. :)

-I crossed off my Bucket List: Read 7 Jodi Picoult books. That made my heart happy.

-Jer participated in the Police Pace. A 5k to raise money for falled officers families.

-We saw Acts put on by some of the singles. Garrett displayed his secret acting skills. And Moe, Ed & his sister, Justine, Gen, Tommy & Alysia all came down to see it, so we got to spend some time with them!

-We went to the 9:30 club to see Zelos. Gotta love those Grovemans, they have more talent in their pinky finger then I will ever have!

-This past weekend was a trip up to Hanover for a bbq at Aunt Joy's with the Bowers side of the family.

-Then Elise and Garrett came over for the Eagles/Cowboys game. It was a fun game to watch with such good company!

Next update will have some pictures: Jer's birthday! Homecoming at CovLife school and Sharpie's wedding!!!

1 comment:

Josie said...

It's about time I commented on this blog...
Yay for crossing off another thing on ur list! lol...was one of Jer's, "enjoying a girlie novel" ?

You forgot to mention Gus's half birthday party and his half birthday cake!