Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Jer, Jesse & I got 3 tickets to the Redskins game on Sunday from Uncle Tom! We were new at the whole tailgating things, compared to the people with fancy grills, tents, face paint, etc. It was the perfect day out, and to our surprise Garrett & Elise also got tickets to the game. So we were able to hang out with them in the parking lot before heading in.
I had go to a professional football game on my bucket list, so it was my delight to cross another one off! Football games are quite the expeirence. We were in row 5 on the goal line, with all the people who have season tickets. The guy behind us was the Nick DiMaio die hard fan of D.C. Lets just say he banged his head on all three of our heads before the game even began. This little boy in front of us, at the end of the game when the Redskins had won, said "i'm feeling real good about this win", he was high fiving all of us after each play and teaching us all sorts of dance moves. I still think Philly fans are way more interesting, but Redskin fans are a close runner up. I've decided I can both!