Thursday, January 22, 2009

Featured Friend

I thought the blog could use something new. So I'm installing "Featured Friend". To kick it off I picked the lovely Reenie Burke aka Aunt Reenie. Reenie and I worked together at the church office and shared many lunches together, driving around in her beloved car "kitty litter". She is the mother of the fake family that Jer and I are apart of. There is a very nice quilt in my apartment, made by Reenie, one of her many talents. She taught me how to make chicken and cheese enchiladas...which is on the menu for dinner next week! Please enjoy Reenie's answers to the questionnaire.

1. Full Name: Maureen Elizabeth Burke

2. Favorite place to eat lunch? Moe’s and I gotta go there really soon. I am going with out to lunch with my girl Alyce and I think we gotta go to Moe’s

3. what is your worst habit? Speaking with out thinking first, I really do not see a huge issue in it but it can cause a lot of problems in marriage. I have a really handsome husband (not that that has a lot to do with anything) but he is trying to be more helpful and understanding when I do this.

4. what is currently on your things to read list? All the Jane Austin novels. There are only what 6 and I have only ready two, I must be the laziest person I know. This summer I will lay in my pool and read them all….

5. how do we know each other? Well we met when you were a brat, well maybe not a brat but you had huge glasses. I was in a care group with your mom we may have met then, you would have been in Jr High, and Mick and I were just married. But I think we really started to get along so famously when we went to Brooklyn. That was the funest (this really is not a word, but it should be so don’t correct it) trip, remember I could never remember what the olds looked like? I still do not recognize that dumb van.

6. if you could star in a musical which one would it be, and what character would you play? I do star in a musical. My life is a musical and as Rick Healey so kindly pointed out it is a low quality one. I want to try out for American Idol. I cannot sing and would never even get near Paula and company because of the age limit, but I think it would be really cool to be with all those weirdos that try out. Is this an answer to the question?

7. taylor swift or carrie underwood? I would not know a taylor underwood song if I tripped over one. How about Joanie Mitchell or Carole King, I would pick both.

8. Favorite tv series? House right now, but I have been enjoying Bones. Okay I really like the Amazing Race did you only say one???

9. if you could choose 4 famous people (dead or alive) to have dinner with, who would you pick? My first question is can I bring Mick with me to the dinner, that might influence me because I might pick someone he would like to hang out with as well. I am trying to break this down into a few categories –Billy and Ruth Graham they seem folksy, author Jodi Picoult I would like to know where she gets her big ideas, musician Phil Collins for some reason I always liked his music, Emma Thompson I like the roles she has picked over the years.

10. what is something on your bucket list you haven't accomplished yet? Teaching my grandchildren to make quilts… That is because I do not have any yet, but when I do look out.


Sarah Smith said...

very good post!
i like this idea :)

Traci Healey said...

you did have big glasses, ange. :)

kelli cohee said...

very good feature.

Kelley Murphy said...

Dear Reenie, you don't know me, but I too enjoy the show Bones. And I would vote for you on American Idol.
Kelley Murphy

Reenie said...

Thank you Kelley but you may never have heard me sing. Ange that is a horrible picture of me, you should have included a picture of the quilt i made

Elise said...

Dear Aunt Reenie,
I don't know you. But you are awesome.