Friday, February 13, 2009

mushy gushy

Last year I gave Jer this a card for Valentine's day that said the following:
"Okay, so this is a Valentine's Day car. And yes, I know all of the assumptions that go along with giving said card. But don't worry. This isn't one of those mushy gushy, you're-the-only-one-for-me, my-life-began-when-I-met-you type cards. This is just a, 'hey, you're cool and I kinda like you card, minus all the I-wanna-have-your-babies stuff. I'm not saying you're 'my soul mate' or 'my one true love.' I don't wanna make you run down the aisle, count the stars in the sky, or clutch a box of tissues in your hand as you read this. All I want to say is, 'you're neat and I think you're starting to grow on me.'"
Ha, it still cracks me up everytime I read it. And Jer you did become my one true love and you are the only one for me. I still think you are pretty cool, love your guts.
"For, you see, each day I love you more, Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow." -R. Gerard


Elise said...

you guys are just the greatest.

Casey Somerville said...

thanks for just being romantic in normal ways. i love you for it, Ange! not cutesy, just very refreshing.