Thursday, November 13, 2008

fuzzy and blurry

Today I am thankful for my contacts and glasses. It would be so sad if I had to go through life not being able to see clearly. I wouldn't be able to drive or do most normal activities. They are such a huge blessing. I remember the first time I got glasses. We got into the car to drive home and I just remember being amazed at what the leaves and the grass looked like. Everything was so much more defined. Though sometimes it can be a bummer having poor vision, it helps me to understand so much more the expression "look through the lens of scripture." Without the truth of God's word so many things would be so fuzzy.


Michelle said...

every time i get new lenses, i can never get over how clear and beautiful the leaves and branches of the trees look...

Sarah Smith said...

i love that part about "looking through the lenses of scripture" very good analogy and reminder :)