Friday, November 14, 2008

love endures all things

Firstly, Today I am thankful for love. How empty and meaningless life would be without love. Ephesians 1: 5 "in love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ". Through the Lord's love for my unlovable soul, I receive: Salvation, Adoption, Union, Sanctification, Peace, Mercy & Compassion, Security, Blessings, the list is endless. I'm so thankful that God loved me first, because I am sure that in my rebellion I would refuse him still. Take the time to listen today to All I Have Is Christ. Photo Credit: Miss Lydia Hartnett

Secondly, it being our 5 month anniversary, I am thankful for love on this earth. That the Lord would choose Jeremy for me, astounds me still. Sharpie and I often talk about how much better God's plan for us is. (sometimes I need the reminder!) So, Jer today I am thankful for you. You are the greatest gift to me apart from my salvation. Often when you fall asleep I lay there thanking the Lord that he would be so kind to give you to me. I thank you for your love for me, that endures all things. I pray that our love for one another would grow and exemplify 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. Some of my favorite things about you: when you talk in your sleep :), your love for all things police, your love for people, that you looked up that song and are learning to play it for me :), how serious you take your roles in life and when you burn bugs that sting me. :) Thank you for loving me dude.


Sarah Smith said...

most excellent post :)

Anonymous said...

i love you too dude. thank you for being my most excellent wife. :)