Thursday, December 4, 2008

made up christmas survey...

be sure to post your answers in a comment. (even if you don't have a blog, you can comment on them!) You see I was under the impression that 5 people read my blog.... Sharpie, Megs, Traci, Ryan Joseph and Josie. :) Then I put this cool stat counter on my blog and found out way more people were reading this then I thought, and I should take it more serious! So, if you are reading this let me know!

1. Christmas lights?
a. blinky ones
b. multi-color
c. basic white
d. icicles

2. Do you like eggnog?
a. yes
b. no

3. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time?

4. Gift bags or Wrapping paper?
a. Gift bags
b. Wrapping paper

5. Favorite Christmas Movie?
a. Elf
b. Nativity Story
c. The Grinch (cartoon version)
d. Family Stone
e. Write in your own

6. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
a. Eve
b. Day

7. Easiest person to shop for?

8. Favorite Christmas Color?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Silver
d. Gold

9. Real tree or artificial?
a. real
b. artificial

10. Name Santa's reindeer...


Traci Healey said...

Basic white
Cookies (especially ones made by Pam Hayes)
Wrapping Paper
White Christmas!
Meghan (she gives you a list)
Red, Green and Blue
Real - for sure
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph!

Michelle said...

i've been reading your blog from the beginning...and i've commented before. i don't want my own blog but i like to read other people's - especially yours since i hardly ever see you (*sniff, sniff*)...

1. Christmas lights?
for trees, multi-color, but only the little ones. for outside, white.

2. Do you like eggnog?
yes, especially if it's spiked.

3. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time?
christmas cookies - especially the kind with the hershey's kisses in them. also, my mom's christmas morning breakfast.

4. Gift bags or Wrapping paper?
wrapping paper. i really love wrapping christmas presents (weird, i know).

5. Christmas movie:
i like miracle on 34th street, white christmas, it's a wonderful life, and the old nutcracker they used to show on pbs.

6. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
eve and then morning.

7. Easiest person to shop for?
the littlest smiths. they just like getting presents. but all my siblings are pretty easy to shop for. the rents are HARD.

8. Favorite Christmas Color?
green. love christmas trees.

9. Real tree or artificial?
are you kidding me with this question. REAL no question!!!

10. Name Santa's reindeer...
dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donder, blitzen, rudolph. (and i did NOT cheat. but after reading traci's, i think it's donner not donder :P...)

BONUS QUESTION - strangest present you've ever gotten:
i just got a live christmas wreath in the mail from l.l. bean that one of my student's family sent me. weird!

Beth said...

1. C - Basic white
2. B - No(t in the least)
3. Homemade, sweet treats
4. B - Wrapping Paper
5. E - The Santa Clause movies (I actually like almost any Christmas movie around this time of year.)
6. B - Christmas Day
7. My little boy :)
8. A - Red
9. B - Artificial (I'm allergic.)
10. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen (but do you recall? The most famous reindeer of all: Rudolph!)

Anonymous said...

1. icicle lights
2. yes, esp when its modified
3. pretty much everything is good to eat during christmas
4. gift bags, they are easier
5. white christmas, its a wonderful life
6. morning...i'm scheduled to work xmas eve
7. the little cousins
8. green. it also doubles as my favorite all the time color
9. real
10. dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donner, blitzen, rudolph
BONUS: hand towels

Casey Somerville said...
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Casey Somerville said...

- basic white
- no!
- peppermint bark
- wrapping paper (it's always more fun to rip things apart)
- Elf (or White Christmas)
- Eve
- my sister
- red or gold?
- real
- dasher dancer prancer vixen comet cupid donner blizten and your mom.

meg said...

1. i really like the big round colored ones. but basic white is classic.
2. not so much.
4. wrapping paper.
5. White Christmas and Elf.
6. Day.
7. I am very honored Traci chose me. I would have to say Traci back because we are two people and will like whatever i get her.
8. Green...always.
9. Real :(
10. frosty.

Charity Campbell said...

I ready your blog, every post...

1. icicles in my room; blinky on the tree
2. yes
3. cookies :-)
4. both, depends on the gift, but more paper than not
5. White Christmas
6. that’s tough, probably day though, day after is pretty good too...
7. my youngest siblings
8. Red & Silver
9.real. artificial is lame
10. sorry can’t help you. I was never allowed to sing the song as a kid

Sarah said...

I read your blog all the time Ange. I especially enjoyed gratitude month. I miss you.

1. White for the tree, but I really like those huge multicolored ball ornaments that people have outside.

2. No...not even a little.

3. Pam's stuffed french toast. I can't wait!

4. 100% wrapping paper

5. Elf!! Watch the yellow ones, they don't stop!

6. Day

7. Aaron is my current favorite. And I'm pretty sure he likes everything I buy him. I judge by the amount of drool he leaves on each outfit or toy.

8. Red and Gold

9. Real, especially if you cut it down yourself.

10. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph. (I knew them, but I could have cheated by looking at Traci's answers - sorry about that.)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog too!!! It's a favorite!


Absolutely not


Wrapping (I agree with Casey) It's way more fun to rip and tear

White Christmas and It's A Wonderful Life are classics (I couldn't be Joseph's friend if I didn't put that one there, "MAARRRY"). I also love Elf and the Grinch

Christmas Day most definitely...morning in particular

Kelsey: Her Christmas list basically encompasses life

Silver and gold

real: blue spruce in particular

What they said.

Bonus present: expired pizelles

Unknown said...

Oh that was Emily by the way :)

Ryan said...

If you're looking for another cool way to track who reads your blog, check out Shelsy and I both read your blog, but we rarely visit the page itself...we read the feed in Google Reader. Feedburner will tell you how many people subscribe to your feed. :-) Anyway...

1. Christmas lights?
Blinky ones, and definitely multi-colored.

2. Do you like eggnog?

3. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time?
Anything that's sugary-sweet.

4. Gift bags or Wrapping paper?
Wrapping paper

5. Favorite Christmas Movie?
The Santa Clause with Tim Allen. "This is a gift. Probably from the cable company. We're getting the Disney Channel now. Merry Christmas."

6. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

7. Easiest person to shop for?
My wife. :-)

8. Favorite Christmas Color?

9. Real tree or artificial?
Definitely prefer real trees, but due to a strict budget, we're sticking with the artificial for now.

10. Name Santa's reindeer...
Just picture Arnold from Jingle All The Way sprinting down the street: "Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen!"

Josie said...

basic white
cinnamon rolls
wrapping paper deff.
the grinch
christmas day
artificial tree (thanks to sibs who have allergies.)
....yeah idk how to spell them...

Josie said...

P.S. Still waiting for you to post that pic of Santa on the fire engine!

Reenie said...

1. Christmas lights?
we have the old-fashioned large multi colored bulbs and I love them

2. Do you like eggnog?
b. no

3. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time? just like eating whether it is christmas or not

4. Gift bags or Wrapping paper?
a. Gift bags
I am a terrible wrapper.

5. Favorite Christmas Movie?
a. Elf
c. The Grinch (cartoon version)

e. Charlie Brown

6. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

b. Day

7. Easiest person to shop for?

8. Favorite Christmas Color?

b. Green

9. Real tree or artificial?
a. real - but only because Colin and Mick have a vote. I would have nothing because I hate the clutter of the tree.

10. Name Santa's reindeer...

not even going to try

I always read your blog..

Chavia said...

i read your blog...but im not doing the survey ;)

kelli cohee said...

um, hello, of course i read your blog.

1. Christmas lights?
basic white

2. Do you like eggnog?
yes (mich, your answer is scandalous)

3. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time?

4. Gift bags or Wrapping paper?
Wrapping paper

5. Favorite Christmas Movie?
White Christmas (why wasn't it an option?!)

6. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

7. Easiest person to shop for?
Meghan - she provides a list

8. Favorite Christmas Color?
Red (especially when they're mom's shoes)

9. Real tree or artificial?
real, hands down.

dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donner and blitzen, but do you recall the most famous reindeer of all? rudolph

weirdest gift: dolphin earrings

oh, and mom also reads your blog and can't figure out how to comment. she wrote it all out, but it didn't save!

kelli cohee said...

what are your answers?

The Murphys said...

1. we alternate: big colored ones, and little white ones.

2. heck no.

3. peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses in the middle

4. wrapping paper

5. Family Stone and Holiday Inn

6. Day

7. me of course.

8. ummm... all of the above?

9. real

10. On dasher, on dancer, on prancer, and vixen. On comet, on cupid, on donner, and blitzen! (and rudolph)

i read, i read! sometimes i comment!