Monday, October 12, 2009

and the color is.....


We found out that we only had 6 options. Since green is both of our favorites, and a generally safe color, we went with that one. The big move will happen October 27th/28th. I can't wait!!! I started a list with Moe yesterday of all the things I will be able to cook now with a full size oven and 4 stove tops!! Pizza and cookies are at the top of the list. :)
Once we move we are going to try to get a new desk and a new dining set. So, I am on a big hunt for a good deal. Send me any ideas of places to check out!! Below are the images I have in mind. Not necessarily a white desk but that is the sort of frame I am looking for. Even if I find a beat up one at a thrift shop, I'm thinking it would be fun to fix it up and paint it. Megs, I saw your green one and was very jealous, but was able to show Jer just what I had been talking about. I hope some day you have a blog just devoted to decorating tips. :)

I found out today that the liquor store up the street from our house is a great place to get boxes. Hopefully, our new neighbors won't think we are big drinkers because of all the labels. :) Though Aunt Reenie, I do miss those lovely paper boxes. I do have two left from my Philly to MD move.

Next on my to find list is a Tape Gun.

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