Monday, October 19, 2009

a girl recipe

Well. How shocking is this... I have a recipe to share. My girl Casey and I were just talking about on Sunday how Sharpie is the next Martha Stewart. Like sometimes when I read Pioneer Woman, I think to myself, self she some how MUST be related to Sarah. Mike definitely got quite a catch in the food department of wives. Anyways, I made this little pasta dish tonight, while my cop is working. I wrote this one down while in the bookstore the other day, I seem to have forgotten to write down the actual name of it. So in honor of Sarah I shall dub it Lucia-Yorgenson.


Cook 2 cups of Gemelli (or other short pasta). Drain and rinse under cold water. Toss in a large bowl with 2 cups chopped spinach, 1 cup grape tomatoes-halved(side note I am not a fan of those cherry tomatoes, though they are cute I think plain tomatoes taste much better), 4oz of fresh mozz(cut into pieces), 2 oz salami(cut into pieces)

Whisk together 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, 1/2 tsp of salt (or more if you are me, and handfuls if you are Gen with a G), and a dash of pepper. Drizzle right before serving.

Yum. Now I have never bought salami before, I know that may be shocking to some, clearly I am not very adventurous with my foods. BUT, incase you don't know, it is much cheaper to purchase from the deli for this recipe instead of those prepackaged ones because you need such a small amount.

In other news: While standing in the grocery store today, next to my cart, which had my purse in it. A very stern granny told me I should not leave my purse unattended. I was not happy with her, she was not happy with me. I do believe I have met the first old person I did not like. I never thought that would happen.


Reenie said...

I loved this post. It had many twists and turn, I never could have anticipated the face-off with the old lady. favorite part of the recipe was that you copied out of a book in a book store, you have mad skills.

Sarah Smith said...

love it!
thanks for the shout out :)
i am sorry you did not have such a good encounter with an old lady. i had a very nice encounter with an elderly gentleman at the Y this morning. As I was pulling out of my parking space he smiled real big, waved me on and directed traffic for me. except there was no traffic. but it made me smile :) maybe yours was simply a fluke encounter

Unknown said...

You mentioned me! I feel very loved and honnored! Thank you. :)

Casey Somerville said...

ange - seriously everytime i go to the grocery store now an old lady (probably the same one) warns me about the cart-purse snatchers. no joke. it's an epidemic.

and yay for your martha stewartness. so proud. and that looks like one i will have to try.

sharpie, you *are* amazing :D